A trippy exploration of

Metaphysical Idealism

Save your friends from hopelessness.

There’s a problem. The world is full of problems, but there’s one that underlies all the others.

NewIdealism aims to combat that deeper, fundamental underlying problem.

It also makes you an expert in the disciplines called “metaphysics” and “philosophy of mind.”

(If you already study idealism and you want to know the specifics about the NewIdealism approach to idealism, here’s: “Nihilism, zombies, & AI – A message to people already familiar with idealism .”)

Meditate on the best ideas from modern idealists like Bernardo Kastrup, Donald Hoffman, Federico Faggin, John Searl, Peter Russel, Eben Alexander…

And the historical foundations of idealism, like Hegel’s absolute idealism, Kant’s transcendental idealism – ancient idealism from the Vedanta tradition in the east, and Platonic idealism in the west…

The aim is to solve the big problem at the root of all other problems.

NEXT PAGE: (“There’s a big problem”)